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The Role of Ukrainian IT Business in the World

Thanks to its talented developers and innovative software products, Ukraine has gained world recognition in the field of IT. Our country is constantly increasing its presence in the global IT sector, despite the war, and promoting the development of the information technology industry.  

Ukraine is famous for its experienced and creative IT specialists who develop interesting digital solutions that are known all over the world. Among the most global Ukrainian products is Grammarly, an online platform based on artificial intelligence for assistance in English communication, founded by Alex Shevchenko, Max Lytvyn, and Dmytro Lider. It is also appropriate to mention the recruiting portal Jooble – created by Ukrainians Roman Prokofiev and Eugene Sobakarev – which is used today by millions of people in 69 countries of the world to find a job. No less well-known worldwide is the Creatio company, which develops powerful tools for automating business processes and managing interaction with customers. Its founder and CEO is Katherine Kostereva from Kyiv. And there are many more such examples.

Ukraine also actively supports the startup ecosystem. Many cities in the country have incubators, accelerators and technology parks that support young innovative companies. The country also organizes various hackathons, competitions and events that promote the development of innovative projects.

In addition, Ukraine actively attracts foreign investors and partners in the field of information technologies. The country offers favorable conditions for investment and cooperation, providing access to highly qualified developers and technological potential. 

 What helps the Ukrainian IT business to be among the world leaders?

 Culture of cooperation

Ukrainian developers are known for their ability to work effectively in a team and communicate with colleagues and clients. They value collaboration, interaction and the exchange of ideas, which helps create a productive and innovative work environment.

 Creative approach

Ukrainian developers are known for their creativity and ability to find non-standard solutions for complex tasks. They often bring their unique ideas and approaches to projects, which allows them to create innovative and competitive products.

Cultural similarity

Ukraine has cultural similarities with many countries in Europe and North America. This facilitates easy mutual understanding and reduces cultural barriers in communication and cooperation with partners and customers.

Geographical location

Ukraine is in a convenient geographical position, which makes it accessible for communication and cooperation with different time zones. This allows Ukrainian developers to work with clients from all over the world and quickly respond to their needs.

Positive reputation

Ukrainian developers have already gained a positive reputation in the field of information technologies. Many Ukrainian companies and developers have received recognition and awards for their projects. This helps to attract new customers and confirms the high quality of work of Ukrainian specialists.

Personnel potential

Ukraine has significant personnel potential in the field of information technologies. Every year, more and more graduates of technical specialties enter the practical field of IT, which ensures a constant replenishment of talented specialists.

Ukrainian developers continue to attract the attention of the world community with their professionalism, creativity and innovative approach to software development. They create technological products and solutions that meet modern market requirements and contribute to the development of the global IT industry.

28 july 2023